Ричард Докинз и религия
Ричард Докинз и религия
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В статье анализируются научные взгляды известного биолога эволюциониста Р. Докинза на роль религии в эволюции и современной жизни человека, рассматриваются его атеистические работы.
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Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы

1. Dawkins R. The Ancestor's Tale. Boston, 2004. P. 317. 
2. Dawkins R. Brief Scientific Autobiography // Richard-Dawkins.net. http:// richarddawkins.net/art icles/4757-brief-scientific-autobiography
3. http:// www.richarddawkins.r u/about/index.php
4. Pollard N. High Profile // Third Way. 1995. V. 18. N. 3. P. 15.
5. Dawkins R.A threshold model of choice behaviour // Animal Behaviour. 1969. V. 17. N. 1. P. 120.
6. Simonyi Ch. Manifesto for the Simonyi Professorship // The University of Oxford. 1995. May 15.
7. Hall St. S. Darwin's Rottweiler // Discover magazine. 2005. August 9.
8. Dawkins R. The Selfish Gene (2nd ed.). Oxford, 1989, P. 11, P. 192.
9. Dawkins R. The Extended Phenotype. Oxford, 1982.
10. Dawkins R. The greatest show on Earth: the evidence for evolution. N.Y., 2009.
11. Dawkins R. The God Delusion. Boston, 2006. Русский перевод: Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008.
12. Smith D. Believe it or not: the sceptics beat God in bestseller battle // The Observer. 2007. August 12.
13. Конашев М.Б. Джулиан Сорелл Хаксли и религия // Человек. 2011. № 1. С. 35-53.
14. Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008. С. 9.
15. Dawkins R. The future looks bright // The Guardian. 2003 June 21.
16. Eagleton T. Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching // London Review of Books. 2006. October 19.
17. Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008. С. 6
18. Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008. С. 16.
19. Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008. С. 198.
20. Winners & Shortlists 2007 // http://web.archive.org/web/20080424105746/http://www.britishbookawards.co.uk/pnbb_winners2007.asp
21. The God Delusion - Reviews //http://web.archive.org/web/20080702000504/http://richarddawkins.net/godDelusi onReviews
22. Robinson M. The God Delusion //http://solutions.synearth.net/2006/10/20/.
23. Dawkins R. Has the world changed? // The Guardian. 2001. November 11.
24. Cornwell J. A question of respect // The Sunday Times. 2006. October 1.
25. Lin E. W. Dawkins Says God Is Not Dead, But He Should Be // The Harvard Crimson. 2006. November 1.
26. Eagleton T. Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching // London Review of Books. 2006. October 19.
27. Nagel T. The Fear of Religion // The New Republic. 2006. October 23.
28. Worrall J. Science Discredits Religion //Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion / Eds. Peterson M.L. and Van Arragon R.J. Malden, MA., 2004, P. 60.
29. Worrall J. Science Discredits Religion //Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion / Eds. Peterson M.L. and Van Arragon R.J. Malden, MA., 2004, P. 2.
30. Worrall J. Science Discredits Religion // Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion / Eds. Peterson M.L. and Van Arragon R.J. Malden, MA., 2004, P. 92
31. O'Brien M. Our Teapot, which art in heaven // The Independent. 2006. November 26.
32. Eagleton T. Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching // London Review of Books. 2006. October 19.
33. Dawkins R. Do you have to read up on leprechology before disbelieving in them? // http://richarddawkins.net/articles/1647?page=27
34. Dawkins R. Is Science a Religion? // American Humanist Association. 1997. January/February.
35. Dawkins R. Honest Mistakes or Willful Mendacity // http:// richarddawkins.net/arti cle,1610,Honest-Mistakes-or-Willful-Mendacity,Richard-Dawkins.
36. Dennett D.C. Breaking the spell: religion as a natural phenomenon. N. Y., 2006.
37. Plantinga A. The Dawkins Confusion - Naturalism 'ad absurdum' // http://www. booksandculture.com/articles/2007/marapr/1.21.html
38. Cornwell J. Darwin's Angel: An Angelic Riposte to The God Delusion. L., 2007, P. 86.
39. Robinson M. The God Delusion // http://solutions.synearth.net/2006/10/20/.
40. Lin E. W. Dawkins Says God Is Not Dead, But He Should Be // The Harvard Crimson. 2006. November 1.
41. Beckford M. Richard Dawkins branded 'secularist bigot' by veteran philosopher // The Telegraph. 2008. March 9.
42. McGrath A. E. The Dawkins Delusion // http://www.theosthink-tank.co.uk/The_Dawkins_Delusion.aspx?ArticleID=50&PageID=47&RefPageID=11
43. Eagleton T. Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching // London Review of Books. 2006. October 19.
44. Kay J. Science, religion and society: Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion // http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/mar2007/dawk-m15.shtml
45. Eagleton T. Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching // London Review of Books. 2006. October 19.
46. Kay J. Science, religion and society: Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion // http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/mar2007/dawk-m15.shtml
47. Лисичкин В. Глобальная империя Зла. М., 2001.
48. Наркотики в России: преступления и расследование / Под ред. В.П.Сальникова. СПб., 1999.
49. Kay J. Science, religion and society: Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion // http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/mar2007/dawk-m15.shtml
50. Маркс К. К критике гегелевской философии права. Введение // Маркс К. и Энгельс Ф. Соч. Т. 1. С. 415.
51. Paley W. Natural Theology. L., 1802.
52. Dawkins R. The blind watchmaker. N. Y., 1986.
53. Catalano J. Book: The Blind Watchmaker // http://web.archive.org/web/20080415140851/http:/www.sim onyi.ox.ac.uk/dawkins /WorldOfDawkins-archive/Dawkins/Work/Books/blind.shtml
54. Dawkins R. and Coyne J. One side can be wrong // The Guardian. 2005. September 1.
55. Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008. С. 57-64.
56. Конашев М. Б. Гулд и религия // Человек. 2011. № 3.
57. Ariane Sh. All aboard the atheist bus campaign // The Guardian. 2008. October 22.
58. Ariane Sh. 'Probably' the best atheist bus campaign ever // The Guardian. 2008. October 23.
59. Докинз Р. Бог как иллюзия. М., 2008. С. 376.


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