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7. Ekspertiza nauki, etika ekspertizy. Nastoyashcheye i budushcheye idey B.G. Yudina [The expert review of the science, the ethics of an expert review: The present and future of the ideas of B.G. Yudin] // Chelovek. 2017. Vol. 28. N 6. S. 36–47; 2018. Vol. 29. N 1. S. 85–99.
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9. Yudin B.G. Chelovek: vykhod za predely [The Human:: Transcending the Bounds] / G.B. Yudin, compiler, ed. with the participation by Ye.G. Yudina and Ye.G. Grebenshchikova. M.: Progress-Traditsiya Publ., 2018.
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