Middle 18 th century Russia through the eyes of Jean-Baptist Le Prince
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Middle 18 th century Russia through the eyes of Jean-Baptist Le Prince
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Jean-Baptist Le Prince (1734-1781), the French artist, who lived in Russia for about four years, was the founder of “russerie” genre in French art and became famous as the author of many Russian life canvases and etching series. His landscapes and views of different towns, population types, furniture and costumes became well known during his life. Subsequently they were often included in history publications and were used by other painters. Although being very sentimental they became the important sources of studying the 18th century life, the Russian customs and costumes.
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Borsch E.V. Transformatsiya russkoj knizhnoj gravyury v proizvedeniyakh frantsuzskikh illyustratorov KhUSh v. // Izv. Ural. federal. un-ta. Ser. 2: Gumanitar. nauki. 2011. T 90, № 2. S. 170-185.
  2. Goncharova N.N. E.M. Korneev: Iz istorii russkoj grafiki nachala 19 veka. M.: Iskusstvo, 1987. S. 78.
  3. Gorlenko V.P. Franko-russkij khudozhnik XVIII veka // Nov. zhurn. inostr. lit., iskusstva i nauki. 1899. Kn. 10.
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  5. Zhabreva A.Eh. Gravyury Leprensa i Gejslera iz sobraniya Rossijskoj natsional'noj biblioteki kak istochnik dlya izucheniya kostyuma v Rossii // Rossijskaya natsional'naya biblioteka i otechestvennaya khudozhestvennaya kul'tura: sb. st. i publ. / otv. red. O.S. Ostroj. SPb.: RNB, 2005. Vyp. 3. S. 69-93.
  6. Zhabreva A.Eh. Zhan-Batist Leprens v Rossii: Istochniki i publikatsii // "Zolotoj os'mnadtsatyj.".: rus. iskusstvo XVIII v. v sovr. otech. iskusstvoznanii: sb. st. / pod red. T.V. Il'inoj i dr. SPb.: Izd-vo Peterb. un-ta, 2006. S. 69-81.
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  8. Katalog kartinnoj galerei: Zhivopis'. Skul'ptura. Miniatyura / Gos. muzej izobraz. iskusstv im. A.S. Pushkina; sost. A.N. Baranov i dr. M.: Izobraz. iskusstvo, 1986. S. 106.
  9. Kobeko D.F. Zhivopisets Leprens v Rossii (1758-1762) // Vestn. Izyasch. iskusstv. 1883. T. 1, vyp. 3. S. 463-470.
  10. Komelova G.N. Stseny russkoj narodnoj zhizni kontsa XVIII | nachala XIX veka po gravyuram iz sobraniya Gosudarstvennogo Ehrmitazha. L.: Izd-vo Gos. Ehrmitazha, 1961.
  11. Kostyum narodov Rossii v grafike 18-20 vekov iz fondov Gosudarstvennoj tsentral'noj teatral'noj biblioteki / Gos. tsentr. teatr. b-ka; [avt.-sost. rus. teksta N.M. Shtukaturova]. M.: VRIB "Soyuzreklam- kul'tura", 1990.
  12. Leprens, Ivan (Jean Baptist le Prince) //Rovinskij D.A. Podrobnyj slovar' russkikh graverov XVI-XIX vv.: v 4 t. T. 2. SPb., 1895. Stb. 590-592.
  13. Leprens / podpis': N.Ch. // Rus. biograf. slov.: v 25 t. T. 10. SPb.: Imp. Rus. ist. o-vo, 1914. S. 263.
  14. Nemilova I.S. Frantsuzskaya zhivopis', XVIII vek. L.: Iskusstvo, 1985. Il. 120-125. (Gos. Ehrmitazh. Sobr. zapadnoevrop. zhivopisi: nauch. kat.: v 16 t.)
  15. Reo L. "Russkie krestiny" Leprensa // Starye gody. 1914. № 5. S. 37-39.
  16. Rudneva L.Yu. Leprens (Le Prince), Zhan-Batist // Illyustrir. slov. rus. iskusstva / red.-sost. N.A. Borisovskaya. M.: Belyj gorod, 2001. S. 250.
  17. Sankt-Peterburgskie vedomosti. 1762. 7 maya (№ 37). S. 7; 1764.6 yanv. (№ 2). S. 6.
  18. Solov'ev N.V. Frantsuzskie gravery XVIII veka: Le Prince. Janinet. Debucourt // Rus. bibliofil. 1911. № 2. S. 4-17.
  19. Uspenskij A.I. Imperatorskie dvortsy: v 2 t. M.: Pechtnya A.I. Snegirevoj, 1913. T. 1. S. 110-111, pag. 3-ya. (Zapiski Imp. Mosk. arkheol. in-ta. T. 23.)
  20. Frantsuzskaya zhivopis', XVI - pervaya polovina XIX veka: kat. / sost. i avt. vstup. st. I.A. Kuznetsova. M.: Izobraz. iskusstvo, 1992. Il. 102, 103.
  21. Frantsuzskij risunok XVI-XVIII vekov: iz sobr. Gos. muzeya izobraz. iskusstv im. A.S. Pushkina: al'bom-kat. / sost. N.N. Vodo, V.A. Alekseeva. M.: Izobraz. iskusstvo, 1977. Il. 92, 93.
  22. Shtelin Ya. Zapiski o zhivopisi i zhivopistsakh v Rossii / publ. K.V. Malinovskogo // Russkoe iskusstvo barokko: materialy i issledovaniya / pod red. T.A. Alekseevoj. M.: Nauka, 1977. S. 182.
  23. A Collection of the Dresses of Different Nations, ancient and modern. Particularly Old English Dresses. After the designs of the authorities, from which the figures are taken; and some short historical remarks on the subject. To which are added the habits of the principal characters on the English stage = Recueil des habillements de differentes nations, anciens et modernes <..>. L.: Th. Jefferys, 1757-1772. Vol. 1-4.
  24. Lerpince (Jean-Baptist) // Bénézit E. Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays par un groupe d'ecrivais spésialistes français et étranger. Nouv. ed.: en 10 t. P.: Gründ, 1976. T. 6. P. 599-600.
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  26. Colas R. Bibliographie générale du costume et de la mode: Description des suits, recueils, séries, revues et livres français et étrangers relatifs au costume civil, militaire et religieux, aux modes, aux coiffures et aux divers accessoires de l’habillement, avec une table méthodique et un index alphabethique. P.: R. Colas, 1933. T. 1-2.
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