Ways and power of love
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Ways and power of love
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For the first time the Russian translation of the work by the outstanding Russian- American sociologist P.A. Sorokin “Ways and power of love” is being published. In the first part of the book the author reflects on various aspects of love (religious, ethical, ontologic, physical, biological, psychological, social); describes its various dimensions (types), e.g. eros, agape; its anthropological meanings and consequences; the ways of production, accumulation and distribution.
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Additional sources and materials

  1. Sorokin P.A. Leaves from a Russian Dairy. Boston, 1950, p. 310
  2. Maslow A.H.Love in Healthy People // Montagu A. (ed.). The Meaning of Love. N.Y., 1953, p. 57-58.
  3. In. 4, 7, 8, 16. Sm.: St. Francis de Sales. Treatise on the Love of God.Westminster, 1942
  4. Swedenborg E. De Divino Amore et de Divino Sapientia.N.Y., 1880.
  5. Tillich P. The Protestant Era. Chicago, 1948, p. 160.
  6. Nigren A. Agape and Eros. London, 1937, vol. I, p. 165, 171 et passim.
  7. I De Rougemont D. L'amour et l’Occident. P.,1939
  8. Rousselot P. Pour l’Histoire du Probleme de l’Amour au Moyen Age. Munster, 1908
  9. D'Arcy M.C. The Mind and Heart of Love. L., 1947
  10. Radhakrishnan S.The Bhagavadgita. N.Y., 1948, p. 62 ff.
  11. Sri Aurobindo. The Life Divine. N.Y.,1949, p. 187-189.
  12. Fedotov G.P. A Treasure of Russian Spirituality. N.Y., 1948, p. 229.
  13. Sri Aurobindo. Bases of Yoga. Calcutta, 1936, p. 12-14
  14. Sri Aurobindo. The Life Divine, p. 874, 892, 925.
  15. Jaeger W.W. Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture. Oxford, 1939, vol. I,p. 34-77, 122, 134-147, 160-162, 204-262, 235-237, 265-282, vol. II, III
  16. Ranulf S.The Jealousy of the Gods and Criminal Law at Athens. London-Copenhagen, 1933-1934, vol. I, p. 32-42, 112, 148
  17. Sorokin P. Social and cultural Dynamics. N.Y., 1937, p. 490-492.
  18. D’Arcy M.C. The Mind and Heart of Love. L., 1947, p. 255, 312, 320.
  19. Diels H. Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Berlin, 1912, Bd. I: Fragment 17;Bd. II, s. 1-2, 6-13.
  20. Dostoevskij F.M. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij. SPb., 1895, t. 12,s. 379-380.
  21. Vivekananda S. Karma-Yoga. N.Y., 1945, p. 10-12
  22. Sri Aurobindo. The Life Divine, passim. 12 1 Kor.13: 4-8, 13.
  23. Gandhi M.K. Self=Restraint versus Self=Indulgence. Ahmedabad, 1928, p. 101.
  24. Solov'ev V.S. Sobranie sochinenij, t. III, s. 351-352.
  25. Wiener N. Cybernetics. New York, 1948 [Viner N. Kibernetika.M., 1983]
  26. Montagu A. On Being Human. N.Y., 1954
  27. Nicolle Ch. Biologie de l'invention. P., 1932, p. 78-80;
  28. Jennings H.S. The Beginning of Social Behavior in Unicellular Organism. Univ.of Pennsilvania, 1941.
  29. Kropotkin P.A. Vzaimopomosch' kak faktor ehvolyutsii. M., 1918
  30. Allee W.C. Animal Aggregations. Chicago, 1931
  31. Allee W.C. The Social Life of Animals. N.Y., 1938
  32. Darling E.F. Bird Flocks and the Breeding Cycle.Cambridge, 1938
  33. Emerson A.E. The Biological Basis of Social Cooperation //Illinois Academy of Science Transactions. 1946, vol. XXXIX, 1946
  34. Gerard R.Higher Level of Integration // Biological Symposia. 1942, vol. VIII
  35. Little R.S.General Biology and Philosophy of Organism. Chicago, 1945
  36. Holmes S.J. Life and Morals. N.Y., 1948; Sherrington Ch. Man on His Nature. N.Y.; Sri Aurobindo. The Life Divine.
  37. Allee W.C. Where Angels Fear to Tread // Science. 1943, vol. XCVII,p. 518-525.
  38. Scheler M. Das Wesen und die Formen der Sympathie (1929)
  39. Berdyaev N. Solitude and Societe. L., 1038, p. 194-196 [Berdyaev N.A. Ya i mir ob'ektov. Parizh, 1934]
  40. Johnson P.E. Christian Love. N.Y., 1951. Sorokin P. Societe, Culture and Personality (ch. 5).
  41. Aristotel'. Nikomakhova ehtika, kn. IX, 1166a; kn.VIII, 1156a
  42. Sorokin P. Societe, Culture and Personality.N.Y., 1947, p. 8-10
  43. Sorokin P. Altruistic Love: A study of American “Good Neighbors” and Christian Saints. Boston, 1950.
  44. Vivekananda S. Karma-Yoga,p. 10-13.


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