The return of the philosophical anthropology: some subjective reflections
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The return of the philosophical anthropology: some subjective reflections
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The renaissance of anthropological agenda in nowadays philosophy is considered. The evolution of philosophical anthropology since M. Scheler up to the present is retraced. The major causes of the crisis of this line in the philosophy as well as of humanist ideas on the whole is attributed to the postmodernism philosophy, on one hand, and to globalization processes, on the other. Current return of the philosophical thought to the ideas by Scheler, Plessner and some others is caused to a great extent by controversial impact of the radical anti-humanism on the social life and politics
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Additional sources and materials

1. Habermas J. Anthropologie // Diemer A., Frenzel I. (Hrsg.) Das Fischer Lexikon Philosophie. Frankfurt-am-Main. 1958. P. 18-20. 
2. Scheler M. Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos. Bern, 1927
3. idem. Die Wissensformen und die Gesellscheft. Bern, 1926.
4. Manfred S. Frings, Max Scheler. Pittsburgh, 1965 i Wilfrid H.Max Scheler's Theory of Person // Philosophy Today. 1969. Vol. 12. P. 246-261.
5. Portmann A. Animals as Social Beings. N.Y., 1961
6. idem. A Zoologist Looks at Mankind / Trans. by Schaefer J. N.Y.,1990
7. Uexk'll J. Theoretical Biology. N.Y., 1926; Die Lebenslehre. Postdam, 1930.
8. Gehlen A. Der Mensch: Seine Natur und seine Stellung in der Welt. 1940, 8-th ed. Bonn, 1966
9. Die Seele im technischen Zeitalter. 1949, rev. ed. Hamburg, 1957
10. Urmensch-und Spdtkultur. Bonn, 1956
11. Moral und Hypermoral. Frankfurt am-Main, 1969.
12. Plessner H. Vom Anfang als Prinzip transzendentaler Wahrheit. Heidelberg, 1917
13. idem. Die Einheit der Sinne: Grundlinien einer Dsthesiologie des Geistes. Bonn, 1923
14. idem. Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch. 1928, 2-nd ed. Berlin, 1965
15. idem. Lachen und Weinen. Bern, 1941
16. idem. Conditio Humana. Pfullingen, 1964
17. idem. Philosophische Anthropologie. Frankfurt am-Main, 1970.
18. Gehlen A. Nachgeahmte Substantialitdt // Philosphich-politische Profile. Frankfurt am- Main, 1971. P. 200-221.
19. Fahrenbach H. Heidegger und das Problem einer "philosophischen Anthropologie" // Durchblicke. M. Heidegger zum 80. Geburtstag. Frankfurt am-Main, 1970. P. 97-131.
20. Dallmayr F. Social Role and "Human Nature": Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology // Beyond Dogma and Despair: Toward a Critical Phenomenology of Politics. Notre Dame, 1981. P. 73.
21. Derrida J. The Ends of Man // Margins of Philosophy. Chicago, 1982. P. 136.
22. Falk R. Resisting "Globalization-from-Above" through "Globalization-from-Below" // Falk R. Predatory Globalization. Cambridge, 1999. P. 127-136.
23. Habermas J. The Future of Human Nature // Trans. by W. Rehg, M. Pensky and H. Beister. Cambridge, 2002. P. 15, 39-40.
24. Kompridis N. Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory Between Past and Future. Cambridge, 2006. P. 166.
25. William E. Connolly, Neuropolitics: Thin- king, Culture, Speed. Minneapolis, 2002.
26. Damasio A. Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Feeling, and the Feeling Brain. Orlando, 2003
27. Damasio A. et al. Unity of Knowledge: The Convergence of Natural and Human Science. N.Y.,2001
28. LeDoux J. The Emotional Brain. N.Y.,1996
29. LeDoux J. et al., The Self: From Soul to Brain. N.Y., 2003
30. Ramachandran V.S., Blakeslee S. Phantoms of the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind. N.Y., 1996.
31. Coole D. Merleau- Ponty and Modern Politics After Anti- Humanism. Lanham, 2007
32. Dallmayr F. Return of the Repressed: Merleau-Ponty Redivivus // Political Theory. Vol. 37, 2009. P. 713-719.
33. Dallmayr F. Who Are We Now? For an "Other" Humanism // The Promise of Democracy: Political Agency and Transformation. Albany, N.Y., 2010. P. 211- 236.
34. Heidegger M. Letter on Humanism //Heidegger M. Basic Writings / Ed. by D.F. Krell. N.Y., 1977. P. 193-242.


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