Yudin in the perspective of the Home tradition of interdisciplinary studies
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Yudin in the perspective of the Home tradition of interdisciplinary studies
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Sergey M. Malkov 
Affiliation: РАН
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article is written as a tribute to the memory of the outstanding home philosopher B.G. Yudin. The formation of Home interdisciplinary tradition is traced against the background of the relevant processes in the worldwide scientific thought. The place of such thinkers as V.I. Vernadsky, E.G. Yudin, B.G. Ananyev, I.T. Frolov within that tradition is unraveled as well as its influence on B.G. Yudin’s works on the ethics of science, bioethics and humanitarian expert review. Special attention is given to the role of the synthetic methodology and within the Home interdisciplinary tradition. 

B.G. Yudin, time, methodology, interdisciplinary studies, Human, complex holistic approach, Institute of Human studies.
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